For as long as I can remember, I have felt a tension between my work and my faith...

For as long as I can remember, I have felt a tension between my work and my faith...


Get Your Copy of Send Me Today!


Get Your Copy of Send Me Today!

Meet Evans Duren

Evans Duren is an award-winning businessman with a heart to bridge the divide between the secular and the sacred. He owns The Duren Companies, LLC, a consulting firm that works with individuals and organizations to leverage their unique gifts, skills, and talents to become kingdom builders through their professions. Having worked for Fortune 15 and Technology startups, Evans has seen the impact faith can have on those we encounter daily through our work.

Evans is interviewed in a 5 part series called Revealing Greatness: Author Spotlight.  This series focuses on Evans Duren and highlights a few chapters from his book, and how to apply Send Me to your daily life!

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit…”

Matthew 28:19


My hope is to see Christian marketplace professionals truly embrace their work as an opportunity to be on mission with God. Not everyone is called to the traditional mission field, and what we have considered for so long  to be “church work” was never meant to be carried solely only on the shoulders of our pastors and fulltime church workers. Each of us as a Christian has the incredible and divinely appointed opportunity to be Kingdom builders regardless of our occupation. 

There are men, women, and young people sitting across the pews of our churches wondering how they take their business, or whatever they do for a living, and blend it with their faith, so that they live sent.

God has a plan for your life, and just because you’re not working for the church does not mean God can’t or won’t use you.

"We have to know how we are going to be sent"

Evans Duren

“...And Jesus said to Simon, ‘Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.”

Luke 5:10

Send Me is ultimately a call to stewardship and fulfillment. We are called to be good stewards of our gifts, skills, and talents, which brings fulfillment not only in our work but in God’s plan of redemption for His people.

There are many reasons why Christians in the marketplace struggle to believe their work can be impactful for the Kingdom.

“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”

Mark 8:36

“For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Esther 4:14

My hope is to see Christian marketplace professionals truly embrace their work as an opportunity to be on mission with God. Not everyone is called to the traditional mission field, and what we have considered for so long  to be “church work” was never meant to be carried solely only on the shoulders of our pastors and fulltime church workers. Each of us as a Christian has the incredible and divinely appointed opportunity to be Kingdom builders regardless of our occupation. 

There are men, women, and young people sitting across the pews of our churches wondering how they take their business, or whatever they do for a living, and blend it with their faith, so that they live sent.

God has a plan for your life, and just because you’re not working for the church does not mean God can’t or won’t use you.

What if we changed how we look at our personal resources and occupations from a view of personal gain and wealth to seeing them as platforms and tools to take the name of Jesus to the ends of the Earth?

That is the heart of The Duren Companies, to see Christian business professionals take a stand through their work to share the gospel. 

Evans and his team are available to work with individuals and organizations to build their business on a Biblical foundation. Coaching and consulting is available for individuals and teams throughout your organization.

Evans is available for speaking engagements to bring the message of Send Me to your event. Through scripture and real-life stories, Evans will challenge your audience to echo Isaiah shouting “Here am I. Send Me!” 

There are men, women, and young people sitting across the pews of our churches wondering how they take their business, or whatever they do for a living, and blend it with their faith, so that they live sent.


Praise for Send Me

“This book presents a unique perspective on how to know you are called to do more. It reveals that there are no excuses; you have been made aware of what is needing to be done. Ask the Lord to send you. Lord, Send Me, Amen! Let’s Go!”

Chris Gifford

Founder of Thread Pull, Podcast Host of Revealing Greatness

“For twenty years I have known Evans Duren, first as a college student leader and later as a trusted friend. Consistently, Evans has striven to integrate his faith seamlessly through his family, personal life, and professional life. Anyone seeking to better live into their faith within a professional setting will enjoy and benefit from reading Send Me!”

Dr. Bill McDonald

Retired Higher Education Administrator

“The reader can see themselves against the landscape of God’s grace, mercy, and His Word and the tension between fear, insecurity, and faith. Evans challenges all of us to partner with God to fulfill His plan of spreading the gospel on the earth. I highly recommend this book as a must-read for all who want to know where he or she fits in God’s plan.”

Dr. Karen Phillips

Pastor at Christ Central Ministries, Inc.

“Through Send Me and the vision God has laid on Evan’s heart, there will be a great kingdom impact because of Evan’s faithfulness, God will move.”

John Crabtree

M.A. Intercultural Studies from Columbia International University

“Evans Duren illuminates a burning topic that has many working Christians in a considerable tug-of-war. His transparency, vulnerability, and lengthy personal journey will have you aspiring to hear God’s call and once and for all say ‘YES’ to the life God has designed you for. I highly recommend Send Me as a must-read for every professional.”

Dave Carroll

Business Coach at Cantillon